Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I'm Back!

It's been awhile! I'm sorry I haven't been on in such a long time, I've been very busy with college. I'm currently studying at the University of Minnesota here in Minneapolis, MN. Everything's been pretty good, except I miss home of course. It really hits me that I'm not home anymore when I can't go see my family whenever I want. Which is starting to get to me because my Grandpa has fallen quite ill and I can't go see him. Because of that I am transferring to Missouri State University at semester so I can be close to my grandparents. MO State has all of my major and minor classes and it's very similar to the UofM so I'm not too worried about it. Other than college I've been busy working at my new job and trying to stay sane with attempting to balance course work, social life, and work.
As you all know, I have a heart condition. I've been having some pretty intense episodes lately with a change in symptoms which is scary (in the 3 years I've had it the symptoms have always been the same). Now I get a lot of discomfort and "just got the wind knocked out of you" feeling along with my normal symptoms. But because I am in Minnesota, and my cardiologist is in Missouri I have to wait until winter break to see her. I'm also getting my wisdom teeth out over break with is making me anxious because I've never had to have a tooth pulled before! However, I am taking everything one day at a time trying to stay positive and happy.

If you would like to help me out with moving back to Missouri please visit here. This page will tell you what's been going on and how you can help.

Dallas ♥
Be Kind. Smile. Love.

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