Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I'm Back!

It's been awhile! I'm sorry I haven't been on in such a long time, I've been very busy with college. I'm currently studying at the University of Minnesota here in Minneapolis, MN. Everything's been pretty good, except I miss home of course. It really hits me that I'm not home anymore when I can't go see my family whenever I want. Which is starting to get to me because my Grandpa has fallen quite ill and I can't go see him. Because of that I am transferring to Missouri State University at semester so I can be close to my grandparents. MO State has all of my major and minor classes and it's very similar to the UofM so I'm not too worried about it. Other than college I've been busy working at my new job and trying to stay sane with attempting to balance course work, social life, and work.
As you all know, I have a heart condition. I've been having some pretty intense episodes lately with a change in symptoms which is scary (in the 3 years I've had it the symptoms have always been the same). Now I get a lot of discomfort and "just got the wind knocked out of you" feeling along with my normal symptoms. But because I am in Minnesota, and my cardiologist is in Missouri I have to wait until winter break to see her. I'm also getting my wisdom teeth out over break with is making me anxious because I've never had to have a tooth pulled before! However, I am taking everything one day at a time trying to stay positive and happy.

If you would like to help me out with moving back to Missouri please visit here. This page will tell you what's been going on and how you can help.

Dallas ♥
Be Kind. Smile. Love.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My Hasty Heart: Invisible Illness

If there is one thing to know about me it is that I absolutely hate being sick. Being the person I am, I find it so uncomfortable when people ask me what's wrong, or why I went to the doctor. Don't get me wrong, I feel happy and loved that they care to ask, but how am I suppose to answer without feeling burdensome? There are very few people I tell about my health and when I'm sick, I usually don't even tell my mom what's really going on because I hate worrying her. I'm like this with most people, because I made the choice to tell someone why I was gone from school so often and it made things very uncomfortable. It made my life feel somehow like a burden to this person because I was sick and they felt so much sympathy towards me. I didn't want anyone to treat me differently because of this. I have become a master at answering these questions with phrases such as "I wasn't feeling well" or "It was just a cold/12 hour flu". I find it easier than the truth; I was gone because I have a heart condition that is undiagnosed still and therefore I have no way of treating my symptoms.

Take today as an example. I woke up in a panic around 6:30am hyperventilating because my heart was beating so fast I felt like I wasn't breathing. Waking up like this happens once sometimes twice a week (although sometimes I go several weeks without one, my episodes are very sporadic). Most of the time it passes in anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. But some days, like today, it lasts for hours. On these days I stay at home due to lightheaded-ness, nausea, anxiety, and fatigue. I have learned to calm myself down and control my breathing after dealing with my condition for almost 2 years now. However I cannot manipulate my heart rate. The after affects of an episode are sometimes worse than the actual episode. After an attack I am completely drained, emotionally and physically, and I become very tired. I usually remain light headed and nauseous for some time as well. Anxiety is something that comes with the randomness of my attacks. I never know when they are going to happen and when they do it surprises me. With time though, I have learned to control my emotions during an attack and I am now a master at secretively monitoring my pulse in public. 

There are a few people who really know what I am like during my episodes and how taxing they are. I go to school with a girl, let's call her June, who has had a similar experience to mine. June has frequented the cardiac center like me and understands what I go through in an episode. June no longer has troubles with her heart, but she is still a great comfort to me because she understands and doesn't make it uncomfortable. Another person I can talk to is Lacey (the owner of sister blog one). She suffers from chronic migraines and misses school like I do for doctors appointments and days where you just can't get out of bed because of your condition. Both of these conditions are invisible conditions, and sometimes people will be rude because they can't see that you are sick or hurting. Someone in my family, we'll call him Joe, doesn't think anything is wrong with me. Joe has told me several times that I look fine, and I just need to toughen up. I hope that no one ever has to have someone they care about be this way to them. Just because you can't see something in someone, doesn't mean it's not happening.

I want to take a moment for anyone who is currently going through diagnosis, or like me is unable to find a diagnosis (for any type of condition). When I had my first episode I was terrified. When I went to the ER I was terrified. When I had my first appointment with my cardiologist she told me there was a chance I would have to have heart surgery and I cried the whole way home. I'm less scared now because I trust my doctors to find an answer and I trust and love my body. I know how scary not getting answers can be.  But please know that you are not alone and there is someone somewhere who has been in your shoes. I hope you find comfort and peace, but most of all I hope you find the answers you deserve.

I am not writing about this for pity, or sympathy. I do not want anyone to feel sorry for me. I am fine, on most days I feel great. In no way does my heart define what I can do as a person. I wanted to share my personal story and thoughts on chronic illness, or undiagnosed illness for those who also suffer from them and for those who have someone near them that does. If you take away anything from this let it be this: An illness /condition/disability will never define who you are, and what you are capable of doing.

After having a rough day, I felt like sharing my heart with you all. I'm sorry if this way boring or cheesy. I would love to hear your story if you want to share your "heart" with me as well. If you don't feel like sharing or are scared please know that there are people who love you and who are fighting on your side!


Dallas ♥
Be Kind. Smile. Love.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ten Facts

Here are ten fun facts (well I like to think they are fun) about me.
1. I am a senior in highschool! Class of 2015 ☆☆☆
2. I have 6 siblings (2 adopted).

3. My best friend is Lacey ♡♡♡
4. My birthday is February 5th ^.^
5. According to my little sister I have "resting nice face" 
6. One word: food.
7. Netflix, Viki, and hulu are life.
8. I believe in kindness and honesty.
9. I've read every work Shakespear has ever written.
10. I am an introvert with flashes of extrovert-ism. I am an awkward clumbsy person who is unaware of her strength.
That's all I have today,
Dallas ♡
Be Kind. Smile. Love.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hi There!

Dallas here! Wow, this is strange, I feel like I'm talking to myself. Anyways, I've decided to write a little about what's been happening in my life recently.
1. Name Change.
Yes, name change. I want to change my first name. I don't like my first name right now, Dallas... it just doesn't work. It doesn't make me happy. I'm almost 18 and hopefully I'll be able to change it soon. Although some of my family has mixed feelings. I want my name to be Rowan, like the tree and the Norse tree goddess. It just feels, right. And it makes me happy. I like to think that's what really matters, that it makes me happy. If it's what I want, why should my family be mad? I just want to be happy.
2. College, Scholarships, Adulthood?
The stress of growing up is unparalleled. I never in my 17 and some months years of life ever been so stressed and excited and anxious at the same time. Honestly I cannot wait to go to college. Mostly because I cannot wait to be my own person... really be my own person you know. It bugs me that some people try to tell me otherwise, that I cannot go to my dream college, but I'm learning to ignore them. It's probably because I want to study out of state... I'm taking a five hour plane trip away. But it's my life, my happiness, my future. No one else. And man am I excited!
3. Family, Family, Family. 
This one is hard to talk about. It's like scraping your knee, the mark is there for a while. And my mark is still there. I just want to say, never ever let family tell you that you aren't allowed to leave. If you are being hurt in anyway, if you are uncomfortable, if you are anything but happy you have the right to leave. Family is not defined by blood, family is defined by love. And love is a two-way street that demands respect.
4. Telling secrets to people you love and trust will set you free.
I'm still learning to do this, it's hard to share your pain. It's hard to feel like you are burdening the other person. You are not a burden, love comes with weight, it is easier to carry it if you share.
That's all I have today,
Dallas ♥
Be kind. Smile. Love.